Core Values

Everything we do at Centre Church is centered around the following nine core values.
  • We believe the worst feeling in the world is to be lost and have no one searching for you.
  • We believe the Bible is God’s love letter to humanity and is both complete and trustworthy.
  • We believe prayer is the single most important thing a person can do.
  • We believe Jesus calls every follower to be a disciple and to make disciples.
  • We believe all people need transparent community or they will gravitate toward mediocrity.
  • We believe children are capable of encountering God’s presence, serving, and communicating God’s truth and are an essential part of the body of Christ.
  • We believe people often need to belong before they believe.
  • We believe God painstakingly designed and equipped each of us for a purpose much bigger than ourselves; to love God and love others.
  • We believe excellence honors God and inspires people.